Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Below we offer answers to common questions.

How long does it take to receive a HospiCheck report?

Once a user pays for the report, the report will be displayed on screen and allow for instant download. The report will also be emailed to the user.

What if I pay for a HospiCheck report and can’t download it or do not receive it in my email inbox?

Please contact to explain the circumstances and we’ll do our best to ensure that you receive the report you ordered.

What if I don’t have time to fill out all of the requested data for HospiCheck?

To use HospiCheck, a user must enter in data about his or her medical institution so as to compare it to the benchmark of their choice.

If the user does not have time to complete the form, he or she can click on the button “Save answers and finish later.” This button is found on the bottom left corner of the screen.  When the user has time to finish the form, he or she can visit HospiCheck and then go into “My hospitals” and find the online data form they had begun to fill out and then finish it.

Can I leave fields blank when entering in the data about my institution?

You can leave fields blank if you choose. However, this means that HospiCheck cannot compare your information to the benchmark. So your report will show the median amount for the benchmark you selected but not indicate how your hospital compares to that median. Therefore, you may end up missing very helpful data. It’s recommended that you supply as much data as possible to obtain the most detailed report possible from HospiCheck.

Will you sell my data to other companies?

Absolutely not. The data you enter into HospiCheck will not be sold, displayed, rented or made available in any way to a third-party company. Global Health Intelligence (GHI), the company that has created HospiCheck, will be the only company with access to the data entered. To find out more, please review our Privacy Policy.

Where does the data from HospiCheck come from?

The user supplies the base data about their medical institution. Click here to review the checklist of data that a user needs to supply to the HospiCheck system.

The second source of data for HospiCheck is HospiScope, the world’s largest database of information on Latin American hospitals. HospiScope contains more than 2 million data points about Latin American hospitals, which are constantly updated. HospiScope has data on nearly 90% of the hospitals in Latin America.

Once a user enters in their institution’s information, the HospiCheck system instantly compares it to the HospiScope database to see how that institution compares to the median amounts for the benchmark chosen.

What is a benchmark?

HospiCheck allows you to benchmark or compare your institution to others in Latin America. You can choose several different benchmarks: Country (HospiCheck has data for hospitals in 15 different Latin American countries), Type (public, private or mixed) and Beds (amount of beds).

So if you represent a public hospital in Mexico, a good benchmark for you would be to select “Mexico” as the country and “public” as the hospital type. This would tell you how your hospital compares to median for public hospitals in Mexico in different areas. For example, if you hospital has three X-ray machines and the median amount of X-ray machines in Mexican public hospitals is three, your hospital has an amount consistent with the average public hospital in Mexico. But if you have only one X-ray machine, your hospital is below the median. If you have 10 X-ray machines, you are well above the median for public hospitals in Mexico.

In the end, HospiCheck will give you an objective, data-based standard of comparison for your institution compared to other institutions. You can select a comparison to similar institutions to yours – or to institutions that are quite different.

What is the median?

Using statistical formulas, the developers of HospiCheck calculated the median amounts of equipment, technology and staff, among other data, for public and private hospitals in 15 different Latin American countries—as well as the median for both public and private hospitals together, in these countries.

The median calculation is what drives HospiCheck reports and allows institutions to benchmark themselves against similar institutions in their country or in other countries.

Is there a median for all of Latin America I can benchmark my hospital against?

Currently, HospiCheck’s benchmarking is for individual countries in Latin America, not a combination for the entire region.

Can I benchmark my hospital against hospitals in other countries?

Yes. It’s possible for a public hospital in Peru to request a HospiCheck report in which it benchmarks against private hospitals in Argentina, for example. A number of combinations are possible, comparing between countries or between hospital types. However, usually what offers the most value for a public hospital in Peru (as in our example above) is to choose other public hospitals in Peru as a benchmark. It’s more likely that these public hospitals will be similar in size and resources, so the benchmarking will let that public hospital in Peru know how it compares to similar institutions. That public hospital in Peru could definitely select public hospitals in Brazil as benchmark, but the HospiCheck report generated from that benchmarking may not be useful. Brazil is a much bigger country than Peru, so it would be no surprise that public hospitals in Peru would have significantly less equipment and staff than public hospitals in Brazil.

If you want to know a little bit more about HospiCheck before ordering, here are some resources:

How to Use HospiCheck: basic steps to get started

HospiCheck Checklist: the data you need to generate your HospiCheck report

Understanding HospiCheck reports: download a sample HospiCheck report and understand what each report offers